O1P, white, carries spotting and mouflon, polled, twin. Easy going, productive. Lambing record 2,2,2,1 VAI,2,1). Bred to TCE 435K AI B2SP, Bikar son.
Sire: TCE 615X
Dam: TCE 936B
B5P, black, polled, twin. Very nice fleece from her grandsire Grafeldur. Produces more lbs. of lamb each year than any other ewe. Lambing record 2,2,2 VAI, 2,2). Bred to Iceland Sire Krystal.
Sire: TCE 615X
Dam: 008C AI
O1H, white, carries gray and spotting, horned, twin. Lambing record 2, 2 VAI,1 VAI,2,1. Long body and well built. Bred to TCE 524M O1H (M)
Sire: Gramann
Dam: TCE 925B
M4H, moorit mouflon, carries spotting, horned, single. Very nice conformation. Lambing record 1, 1 VAI,1 VAI, 2,2. Bred to TCE 243J AI, O1H, (4,S,M) Hergill son.
Sire: TCE 166E AI
Dam: TCE 932B AI
B5H, black, carries spotting, horned, single. Long bodied. Lambing record 2,2,2,2. Bred to TCE 423J O1H (S) AI, Hergill son.
Sire: Jonas
Dam: TCE 187E
O1H, white, carries solid, horned, single. Long body, well muscled. Lambing record 2 VAI,2 VAI,2,2. Bred to Iceland Sire Boggull B34H
Sire: TCE 035C AI
Dam: 115D
B22H, homozygous gray, horned, twin. Good conformation. Lambing record 1 VAI, 2,2. Bred to TCE 449K AI B4H Salamon son.
Sire: 035C AI
Dam: 003C AI
B2SH, black gray, spotted, horned, twin. Well built. Lambing record 2,2,2,2. Bred to TCE 423J AI, O1H. Hergill son.
Sire: TCE 300G
Dam: TCE 249F
B6P, black single gene gray mouflon, SGGM, polled, twin. Well built , nice fleece. Breeding record 2,2. Bred to Iceland Sire Steinn B5P.
Sire: WPW 127H
Dam: TCE 207E
B2H, black gray, horned, triplet. Well built. Vali, Salamon and Gramann breeding. Breeding record 2,2. Bred to TCE 524M O1H (M)
Sire: TCE 035C AI
Dam: PRI 002D
B2H, black gray, well built, nice fleece, horned triplet. Vali, Salamon and Gramann breeding. Breeding record 2,1. Bred to TCE 423J AI O1H, Hergill son.
Sire: 035C AI
Dam: PRI 002D AI
B2H, black gray, carries moorit and spotting, horned, single. Blettur, Throttur and Lodi breeding on top and Gramann and Raftur on the bottom. Good conformation. Breeding record 2,1. Bred to TCE 423J AI O1H (4,S,M). Hergill son.
Sire: TCE 166E AI
Dam: TCE 932B AI
B24H, balck gray mouflon, horned, twin. Gramann and Raftur breeding on top and Prudur, Bjalki and Kjalvar on bottom. Breeding record 1,2. Bred to TCE 423J O1H (4,S,M)
Sire: TCE 242F AI
Dam: TCE 244F AI
B2H, black homozygous gray, carries moorit, horned, single. Vali and Bjalki breeding. Long bodied. Breeding record 1,2. Bred to Iceland Sire Boggull B34H
Sire: TCE 035C AI
Dam: TCE 727Y
M4H, moorit mouflon, polled, single. Well built, overall good conformation. Fjalldropi, Gramann, Blettur, Raftur and Throttur bloodlines. Lambing record 1. Bred to TCE 423J AI, O1H (4,S,M) Hergill son.
Sire: Fjalldropi
Dam: TCE 258F
B6P, black single gene gray mouflon, SGGM carries spotting, polled, twin. FAV 31X Xeno and 10 plus polled AI sires bloodlines. Breeding record 1,2. Bred to Bred to Iceland Sire Krystal O1P.
Sire: TCE 400J
Dam: TCE 334H
B24H, black gray mouflon, horned, twin. Big, well built. Salamon, Gramann, Dreki and Prudur breeding. Lambing record 1. Bred to TCE 524M O1H (M)
Sire: TCE 449K AI
Dam: TCE 390J AI
B22P, black homozygus gray, single, polled. Good conformation, one winter ewe. Bikar, Grafeldur, Skrauti bloodlines. Bred to TCE 514M O1P.
Sire: TCE 435K AI
Dam: TCE 262F
B22H, black homozygus gray, horned, twin. Garpur, Valli, Myrkvi, Gramann and Raftur breeding. Lambing record 1. Bred to TCE 524M O1H (M)
Sire: TCE 453K AI
Dam: TCE 246F AI
M4SH, moorit mouflon spotted, horned, twin. Hergill, Grabotni, Blettur, Throttur, Gramann and Raftur breeding. Lambing record 1. Bred to TCE 449K AI, B4H Salamon son.
Sire: TCE 423J AI
Dam: TCE 258F
B24H, black gray mouflon, horned, twin. Hergill, Grabotni, Vali and Myrkvi breeding. Well-built. Lambing record 1. Exposed to TCE 449K AI, Salamon son.